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snowspring 2015-7-19 11:53
Hi Bullpower please send me a email   I lost all your emails. Snwospringi
IceBeauty 2014-4-10 19:39
长颈鹿爸爸 2014-1-3 14:47
If you're going to MSLM this Sat, I might can meet you there. Is freshair goes too?
andrew 2013-12-31 19:57
我的phone 4162201142
bullpower 2012-9-20 08:45
到时候看他们的SCHEDULE,他们一般有一个WEEKDAY(周一)在蓝山有课, 非常好,平时去 蓝山也没啥人滑。
huntermichaelca 2012-9-20 07:45
bullpower 2011-3-28 21:43
derek, i'm sure we'll have a lot of chances to go to a ski trip together next season.
my name is Jin Ma (马进). it's a perfect match to my id (牛劲)
my phone is 416-568-9718.
bearpaw 2011-3-28 21:38
bullpower: hey,thanks for inviting me. i'm sorry, i've had things arranged for that weekend. next season:-) BTW, did you go to MSLM last Saturday, I was 得瑟ING  ...
i had to work on sunday so i didn't go.  i knew it was nothing but fun and fun that day.  keep the spirit up throughout the year and carry the momentum to next season.
bearpaw 2011-3-28 21:36
bullpower : hey,thanks for inviting me. i'm sorry, i've had things arranged for that weekend. next season:-) BTW, did you go to MSLM last Saturday, I was 得瑟ING  ... sorry to hear that you couldn't make it.  it is just that when i learned the news there would be a trip to surgarbush, i got excited and started day-dreaming.  and also having a hard time getting over the fact that the season is over.  you are the funniest person in this group and i happe ... ...
bearpaw 2011-3-28 20:28
bull, do you want to go to surgarbush with c sea, apr 1 to apr 4,, let me know
BlackSnow 2010-12-10 17:49
You sent so many message. Looks like you really have lots of spare time.


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