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6 yoga poses for skiers(ZT)

发表于 2011-11-8 08:37:48 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 luvski 于 2011-11-8 09:39 编辑

6 yoga poses for skiers
By Benita Hussain On November 8, 2010

Use these poses to get your joints and muscles ready for the slopes.

Like climbing gyms, many winter resorts are catching on to yoga’s usefulness in preventing injury and combating muscular imbalances in skiers.  As we’ve discussed in previous articles increasing your range of motion can help prevent injury, especially in sports like skiing, where awkward slips and twists are common causes of injury.
Image by lululemon athletica

Below are some yoga poses to help increase your hip mobility and improve your turning, undo lower-body versus upper-body asymmetries, and help you stay centered on your skis, even when standing still.  
Use these poses to warm up and cool down as well; if anything, it’ll give you an excuse to hang out in the lodge that much longer.  
(Note: The images do not necessarily correlate with the yoga poses listed.  Click on the hyperlinks for Yoga Journal’s expert photos.)

1.  Tadasana / Mountain Pose
Benefits:  An active posed disguised as a passive one, the entire body is engaged in order to help you find your center of balance while standing, while strengthening the the ankles and arches of the feet.  
How:  Stand straight up with your hands and arms engaged so that the shoulders are moving away from the ears, your spine is long and straight (no arched back), and the inner sides of your feet are touching without the ankles rubbing against each other.  Lift your toes, so that your arches lift up, and try to keep that same feeling when you place your toes back down.
Engage your quadriceps slightly too, and hold the pose for 60 seconds.  Repeat one to two more times.  Try holding your arms straight up overhead and pressing the palms (Urdhva hastasana / upward salute) as a way of changing it up.
2.  Utkatasana / Chair Pose
Benefits: Strengthens the core and the knee joints, and is even more intense than mountain pose for training your upright balance.  Utkatasana mimics the posture of skiing without the danger of falling, so this is the perfect strengthener for the legs and related muscles.
How:  From Tadasana, bend your knees deeply and drop your tailbone towards the floor.  Suck in your stomach and reach your arms overhead, palms facing each other,  pulling your shoulders away from your ears.  Look up towards the ceiling and breathe deeply while holding for 30-60 seconds.  Repeat two more times.
Image by Jesslee Cuizon

3.  Utthita Hasta Padangustasana / Extended Hand-to-Toe Balance Pose

Benefits: A super-intense balance pose that also strengthens all the small tendons and muscles that support your ankles, knees, and hip joints.  Use a belt as a prop and a wall for support if necessary. This pose should be done after warming up the body.
How: From Tadasana, straighten your left leg without locking the knee.  As you inhale, put your left hand on your hip and lift your right leg up, grabbing the toe with your right hand (use a belt if you have tight hamstrings).  Keep your back and left leg straight as you suck in your stomach and extend your right leg in front of you without straining your hamstring.  Hold for five long breaths, then swing the right leg to the right, and hold there for five breaths.  
Bring the leg back in front of you, and release and point the toe, keeping your leg lifted as much as you can for five breaths.  Lower the foot to the floor.  Repeat on the left side.
4.  Purvottansana / Upward Plank Pose
Benefits:  This helps realign the spine and strengthens the arms, wrists, and legs, helping to combat muscular imbalance.
How:  Sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you, walk your hands about six to eight inches behind your hips.  Place your palms on the floor with your fingers and thumbs directed towards your hips.  Plant your feet and lift your hips towards the ceiling, so that your shoulder blades meet.  
Keep your chest open and, gazing at the ceiling, walk your feet away from you while keeping your hips at the same height.  If you can straighten your legs, press your big toes to floor and breathe for 30 seconds.  Lower down to the floor.  Repeat one to two times.
Image by dvs

5.  Marichyasana A / Sage Marichi Pose
Benefits:  Stretches and strengthens the spine and shoulders, which helps with muscular imbalances and strengthens the legs and hip joints.
How:  Sitting on the floor, with your legs extended in front of you, bend the left knee and plant the foot as close the sitting bone as possible with some space between the foot and your right thigh.  Flex your right foot, and hug the left shin into the body as you reach over the right leg (use a belt if you can’t reach your foot).  Keep the bent knee upright as you fold deeper with every exhale.  
If you can wrap your left arm around your left shin and bind your hands behind your back, go for it.  Hold for 20-30 seconds on each side.
6.  Supta Baddha Konasana / Goddess Pose (Don’t worry, men, it works just as well for you.)
Benefits:  This is a lovely restorative pose after being upright all day, and will help relieve hip tightness from all that forward motion and turning during your ski session.
How:  Sitting up, fold your feet in and let your knees fall to the side, as if you’re in a “butterfly” stretch.  Placing a cushion under your lower back for support (and maybe one under each knee if you have tight hip flexors), keep the soles of your feet touching as you lie down and let your arms fall to the side.  Breathe there for five minutes, and come out of the pose slowly.

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 08:40:09 | 只看该作者
母西瓜, 能把这六个动作给我们示范一下吗?
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 08:41:39 | 只看该作者

Yoga for skiing and Snowboarding
For many, the Winter time brings with it a promise of speeding down steep slopes in the Alps, or further afield.  While hugely different in approach, yoga and skiing are in reality hugely complementary. Michelle King, co-founder of active yoga company AdventureYogi, explains why.

Skiing is a combination of speed and grace, achieved gradually over time, whether our experience is for whole season or just a week's holiday squeezed into our busy schedule.

And it's usually the latter that leaves one feeling in need of another holiday to recover from the experience!  

As every annual skier knows, we use muscles on the slopes that aren't engaged very often during the rest of the year.  So unless we warm-up properly on a basis of pre-ski training, stress, strain & at worse injury can dominate après-ski.

Yoga is the opposite of skiing in that it is calm and meditative.  Despite this, they two disciplines compliment each other.   The movement and positions required in yoga can benefit skiers and help reduce the physical demands put on the body by the sport.  

Yoga helps to stretch out the muscles that skiing strengthens ,yet at the same time shortens.  It seems obvious then, that yoga can help to reduce physical injury from the sport, especially if the yoga practice is specifically designed for skiing/boarding.

Balance, focus, flexibility
Balance, concentration, flexibility and strength are the most important skills to develop to get down the mountain and yoga can help in all aspects of these.

Muscles such as glutes and quads are usually strengthened and shortened during skiing, and yoga also helps to lengthen the hamstrings, hip flexors and lower back - normally tightened from overuse.  

Concentration in yoga comes from arriving at each pose and holding it, focusing on the breath to ease the body into position and calm the mind, being present in each movement, mindful of each move and careful not to over-stretch.

It's all about the legs
It is important to focus on equally strengthening and stretching all muscle groups in the legs, otherwise the knee joint ends up taking the strain, which can lead to serious injury around the knee.  

The quadriceps become over-developed when skiing and this in turn tightens and shortens the hamstrings.  

Inner thigh muscles can be shortened and tightened too, which can strain the knee joint by limiting range of motion.

It is important to lengthen all four sides of the upper leg, hamstrings and quads, inner and outer thigh, to minimize strain on surrounding joints.

Asanas for strengthening thighs
Forward bend: Yoga pose for hamstrings as it helps to loosen the back and stretch hamstrings and calves.

Warrior pose: stretches hip flexors and hamstrings on the back leg whilst strengthening feet, ankles, glutes and quads on the front leg.

Chair pose: classic ski and board pose, warms up and builds strength in quads.

Reclined cobblers pose:  improves flexibility of inner thigh muscles, which can cause knee injury in skiing if not stretched.

Hip flexors
Hip flexors are very important in maximizing agility in skiing and snowboarding.  However these muscles are rarely used nowadays due to our primarily sedentary way of life.

We sit to eat, sleep, relax, work and drive; whereas our ancestors were outdoor hunters and gatherers, using their bodies continuously, giving strength and force to their muscles.

  This is why our largest muscles are around the hip area.  By building more strength and flexibility in the hip area for skiing, it enables us to have a broader base of equilibrium and muscle foundation, which in turn improves the support to our upper body.

Hip flexors also help with angulations of a turn, which means helping a skier/boader to make sharper, cleaner lines.  

Powerful and flexible hips encourage balance and good turning habits; otherwise skiers end up jerking their upper body to initiate a turn instead of using the lower body, which can lead to upper back pain from this awkward movement.

Core strength
Engaging the core muscles of the abdomen enhances good turns on the slopes and alleviates pressure from the knees, protecting the joint from injury.

Strengthening the core muscles helps to improve balance that is essential for skiing and also helps redirect weight bearing that often falls onto the knees.  

Awareness of your centre allows you to initiate movement, helps you turn more efficiently and distribute weight more evenly making each move less strenuous on the whole body.

Core strength also offers support in falls and supports the spine in bending and twisting and stabilizing.  If the core isn't engaged properly and tightness resonates in the hamstrings and hip flexors, then the lower back starts to be put under strain and can create an injury.

As the lower body is predominantly utilized in these sports, it is important to also strengthen the upper body so that there is not an imbalance in the lower and upper halves.  

This is also helpful when finding yourself stuck in a snowdrift whilst pursuing powder off-piste!  

Asanas for maximising core strength

Spinal twist - improves spine mobility, glute flexibility and outer thigh muscles.

Downward Facing Dog - good for core stability.  Going into plank and press up back into downward dog.  Builds upper body strength.

Tree pose - this helps with balance, tones and strengthens quads, calves, ankles and spine whilst stretching hip flexors, inner thighs, chest and shoulders. Tree pose also improves balance and promotes mobility in hip and knee joint, which is important when making turns.

So, with some careful preparation& planning and a bit of patience you will be ready for your mountain-top holiday, pain free!

 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 08:42:28 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 08:46:47 | 只看该作者

发表于 2011-11-8 11:55:06 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Rotkapchen 于 2011-11-8 21:07 编辑
luvski 发表于 2011-11-8 08:40
母西瓜, 能把这六个动作给我们示范一下吗?

Tadasana / Mountain Pose

Upward Reaching Mountain



17-6.JPG (35.97 KB, 下载次数: 41)

发表于 2011-11-8 12:02:47 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-11-8 12:06:40 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Rotkapchen 于 2011-11-8 12:07 编辑

Utkatasana / Chair Pose双脚同髋关节宽,脊椎向上延伸、拉开关节间距;



 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-8 12:08:46 | 只看该作者
Rotkapchen 发表于 2011-11-8 12:55
Tadasana / Mountain Pose

发表于 2011-11-8 12:13:11 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 Rotkapchen 于 2011-11-8 21:19 编辑

Extended Hand-to-Toe Balance Pose

这个我暂时只有Lying poseture的图。


58.JPG (35.53 KB, 下载次数: 45)



这个难度有点大  发表于 2011-11-9 09:56
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