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分享 二妞2013 /2014
c_sea 2014-4-18 00:07
2013 – 2014 二妞在 2013/2014 的进步是巨大的, 9 月份进入 ORC U12 performance Team. 这个 team 只收 16 个人, 现在有 6 个女孩, 其他的是男孩。 经过 ORC 的训练, 以及 PTC 的训练, 在二月份的时候, 教练 Andria (就是 Carol Zhao, Gloria Liang 的教练)跟我说她刚进来的时候在这个队里面在 Bottom, 现在已经是 Top 4 了。 2014 年 5 月 18 日的 Ontario Team Championships 比赛,是一个团体赛。 每队 4 人,两男两女,将进行单,双,混双的比赛。 Sarah 其实很想打 U12 ,不过按规则要以 OTA U12 排名来选人,她今年 3 月才开始参加 U12 比赛, 排名很低。 除非那些 U12 排名比她高的人不参加, 她才能替补。不过有很多人都等着参加, 肯定论不到她, 尽管她打得很好。 ORC 的 U10 队她将作为头号选手入选,跟其他 3 个在 ORC U12 team 里面的适龄小孩组队, 在 U10 里面完全可以抗衡任何一个队, 很有竞争力。 她今年主要参加 U12 比赛,提高排名。 U10 只参加几个 Super Series (超级赛系列), 4 月 19 号的 Ace 超级赛 U10 组, 她是 3 号种子选手。 不过她自己现在很不喜欢打 U10 的软球。 她现在各项技术包括网前截击都有很大提高, 已经达到标准的成年男子 3.5 的水平, 可以跟成年人的 3.5 选手比赛。 她的优点是体力好, 基本身体素质好, 击球非常有力, 缺点是判断球的能力不够, 发挥不稳定。 她需要多打比赛来积累经验。 4 月 15 日, 我和她配对, 跟本俱乐部两男子成年选手打双打,在去年的 House League 里面,他们一个是 A 组选手, 一个是 B 组选手。 三盘比分是 4-6 , 6-4 , 4-6 我们小负。 4 月 17 日, 我们之间再比赛, Pro8 制, 我们 8-6 取胜。 比赛打得很激烈。 在比赛中间, 二妞底线表现出来强劲的进攻力, 跟两个成年男子的对打中不但不占下风, 还常常打出强有力的击球直接得分, 或则给我创造网前截击的机会。 发球也不错, 竟然有几个发球球速很快直接得分。 她已经超越了我去年和前年的混双搭档。 我今年的 Tournament 将会跟她搭档参加至少混双 B 组的比赛。不过以她的发展速度, 到 9 月份参加混双 A 组的比赛完全是可能的。 平时除了打 OTA U12 比赛以外, 还准备让她参加俱乐部的 Ladder , 以及 House League 。在 House League 里她足够实力打女子 A 。
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分享 二妞 2013
热度 1 c_sea 2013-11-29 01:29
二妞在2013 的进步是巨大的, 从打Orange Ball 3/4场, 过渡到Green Dot Ball全场,再到Regular Ball 全场, 一年两次变化。 发球现在相当稳定了, 由一开始一场比赛10几个双误, 到现在就是3-4个双误,相当的不错。 参加U10比赛, 一开始场场皆负, 比分都记不清楚, 到现在可以拿冠亚军, 比分也记得相当清楚了。 在U9 Ontario Club Championship 获得Central West区的冠军,可惜总决赛表现失常, 输给了不应该输的选手,未能进16 强。 但是她2013 年最大的成绩, 还是她参加PTC(Provicial Training Center Program) U10 选拔 。 PTC, 原来又叫NTC , 其实就是安省的省集训队, 由Tennis Canada和三个网球强省(BC,Ontario, Quebec) 的网球协会合作。 在安省是由Tennis Canada 和 Tennis Ontario 的国家级和省级优秀教练们给她们集训, 帮助他们早日达到国家级, 或国际级的水准。 她在PTC 的try out 测试里面, 尤其在Beep test 里面表现出了强大的体能, 跑完了80次的测试, 成为唯一跑完全程的U10组女生。 有幸成为被悬赏的10个女生之一。 她们经过训练, 将选拔出选手代表安省跟魁省的选手打省际比赛。 能得到国家级教练的指点, 这个比得多少冠军都值得。 今年冬季将有五个周末总计10天的PTC培训。 第一次集训将是Nov30 /Dec1 . 这个二妞, 三年前6岁的时候经过测试, 被Tennis Ontario 的little ACE program 选上, Tennis资助了她一年在ORC的免费网球训练, 现在又被Tennis Ontario 的资助的PTC选上, 运气真的是非常好。 好在她实在是非常喜欢网球, 那就好好珍惜, 好好打球吧,好好享受网球吧 PTC 简介及入选名单: http://tennisontario.com/client/newsdetail.aspx?info=xm9ij9kBap4= 二妞是U10里面编号12 (11个男孩10个女孩都写在一个名单上) PTC U9 U10 Program The mission of the Provincial Training Centre (PTC) Program is to regroup the best players in an intense environment that trains the players in various competitive situations. In an attempt to best assist the TDCs in developing their students, the PTC Program will work primarily on the player`s tactics and ability to compete. Over the course of five weekend regroupings, our aim is to contribute to the overall development of these players. The PTC program is an initiative of the OTA in partnership with club coaches/leaders and Tennis Canada ultimately working together to identify and develop young athletes by regrouping the most promising U9 and U10 provincial athletes under one roof to train and experience top level coaching and sport science support. NTC简介 :  http://www.tenniscanada.com/index.php?title=NTC-programpid=677 NATIONAL TRAINING CENTRE (NTC) PROGRAM This program is a partnership between Tennis Canada and the Provincial Tennis Associations (Tennis BC, Tennis Ontario and Tennis Quebec) working in conjunction with the Tennis Development Centre (TDC) program. This program will bring the most promising u8, u10 and u12 athletes around the provinces together to one facility and allow them to train as a group under the guidance of the best coaches and sport professionals in the country to develop more players meeting international player competencies. ABOUT THE NTC PROGRAM The u8, u10 and u12 program will be held over weekends through out the year, each regrouping will consist of one or two full days. The program is designed to augment the good work done in the TDC weekly program, ultimately all partners working towards common priorities and objectives. Young Athletes will receive unparalleled tennis training from top Canadian coaches/experts from the PTA's, Tennis Canada and Tennis Development Centres with the goal to assist in the development of the u8, u10 and u12 international player competencies and norms. Meeting international standards at a young age is a key area for player development in Canada. On court coaching is only one aspect of a young athlete’s education in tennis. This program will educate youngsters on many aspects of training and competing. This includes fitness, nutrition, injury prevention, tactics, strategy, mental training and parent seminars on dealing with a high performance athlete and ensuring a well balanced approach to development. SELECTION TO THE NTC PROGRAM Players must display high level of competitive tennis and athletic skills to be eligible for this program. Selection to the program will include the provincial results and skill assessment during the try out day. ATHLETES AND COACHES WIN The program will not only improve developing athletes, but also improve the structure in place for the athletes. Promising athletes can be identified faster and nurtured more effectively.This, along with the improvement in ability and numbers, will improve the athlete’s ability to win national titles, international tennis events, enhance Canada Games performances and help improve chances to have players win an Olympic or Grand Slam Gold Medal.
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