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tag 标签: mogules


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分享 2014/2015 Ski - 11
IceBeauty 2015-2-9 00:32
Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015 at BM P1 South Lodge with instructor Ken and George. After separated 2 groups, I followed George. He is a young and talktive guy. But I have to say, he teached very well and skied mogule very well. 1.5 hours he almost taught us everything for mogules. The rest part is mileage. We did many good drills in this lesson. Traversy, Broquage, linked Hockey stops (the hip always face to target direction) Don't turn body. flat ski, jump point to 3 and 9 clock. quick small parallel pivoting with/ without poles planting on flat slop. Cross slop for absorbtion and turn in the end. Turnafter 2~3 mogules. Turn on top of mogule and slid on back side (face down hill) Turn in the bottom (zipzog), it is comparative difficult. The mountain does not know you. You have to determine where you turn. You can turn anywhere, twice or once between 2 mogules. (That is what I felt after 1st mogule muchers lesson.) Square turn - one ski ahead. After lesson I failed to return P2 from P1for 4 times!!! When I finally arrived P2, it has been 2:00pm. In the afternoon I practiced what I learnt today. Skiing mogules are energy consume. Feel happy that I can get down from mogule slop no matter how icy how big they are. I don't expect high performance and smooth continouse run. The foundmental skills will eventually lead me to there. After 4:00pm, people are dramatically reduced, I run to P1 for "noddles", but I missed all of them. I returned to central lodge just pass 5:30pm. I was tired and sore even on my neck. I arrived home after 22:00.
个人分类: 滑雪|609 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2014/2015 Ski - 10
IceBeauty 2015-2-9 00:03
Feb. 4th, 2015 Lakeridge Night 2.5 hours It took me 1 hour to drive from my work palce to the resort though it is only 50km away. I left office about 5:30 and got on lift about 7:00pm. I did not prepare supper but luckily there were a lot COSTCO cake in kitchen today:) The lift ticket cost me $25. Many trails open for night ski including 2 black diamond and Mogules. The black is short but I still have fearness on them even I skied both of them 2 ~ 3 times. The one in the middle cannot reach without passing a long uper hill slop. I have to ski very fast to rush to the edge. There are 2 angles on that black diamond. Upper part is easier, the lower part is steep. There were less people after 8:00pm.So I ski back to the lift near tubing trailfor mogules. They are small but sharp and icy. I tried many times. Unfortunately I did not get any feeling on mogules. I totally lost the skills for planting and pivating. I saw everyone can do nice ski on them except me. Very depresive!
个人分类: 滑雪|732 次阅读|0 个评论


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