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楼主: IntoTheWind
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发表于 2014-12-11 21:01:59 | 只看该作者
checkmoteur 发表于 2014-12-11 20:58
Ignore if I get it wrong,but:


哎呀,我本来以为我明白了 ,大侠这一说,我就有糊涂了 ,你就是猫 ,你会调书包
发表于 2014-12-12 09:38:24 | 只看该作者
barkley 发表于 2014-12-11 17:12
回风大侠瓜教授,不是我厉害,而是我有这个问题,上个雪季经lupo提示发现的,这个雪季一定要改成正确的resi ...


八字滑那个,巴大侠所说俄也没琢磨透。就俄所受的那点子培训来说,需要刹车的八字只有直线刹车。动作要领,其实还是转腿,两腿以髋关节为轴,同时向里转,不是扣膝盖。What's more,如果以扣膝盖为主来作这个动作,上来就拿“二字钳羊马”,考官会说你做错。我们班总共就fail了一个,小姑娘,所犯就是类似错误。其实所有人一开始都差不多。只是三天之后仍没改进的,就那个小姑娘而已。

八字转的话,是不主张刹车的。小八字,走外脚内刃,不要刹车,不要resist。控速是通过变化弯的shape来实现。具体说觉得速度快了,就走个大弯,traverse,拉长phase 1 phase 2。反之则缩小。


手册里并且说,对比较athletic的初学者,可以直接教hockey stop,不必八字刹车。这就等于一步过度到平行滑了。



sry,表述不清楚。看风侠的贴知道是我把主题误解了。感谢你分享的八字经验。级别不代表啥,一个雪季整两级不是新鲜事儿。我仍在学什么是滑雪。  发表于 2014-12-14 00:56
发表于 2014-12-12 10:19:26 | 只看该作者



反正你说美女好,我就说好。  发表于 2014-12-12 11:35
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发表于 2014-12-12 10:30:19 | 只看该作者
checkmoteur 发表于 2014-12-12 10:19

发表于 2014-12-12 10:49:28 | 只看该作者
关于Knee angulation,俄能找到的只有这个视频。当然,究竟是不是,另说了:

这个应该是所谓pure carving,靠板刃转弯,靠压出大反弓收缩转弯半径,rather than转腿。那么这位爷的确是通过膝盖内扣,所谓knee angulation,甚至ankle angulation,得到extra的立刃角,在我看来。


就我的阅读范围来说,专业的业余的,都在抨击knee angulation,讲这会怎样损伤膝盖关节之类。但俄却不太愿意相信这是过时的技术,特别在racing领域。racing是规定板的长度的。gs往上,谁立刃早,压板早,压板深,谁占便宜。racer们也就只能无所不用其极,顾不了马耳他。一个典型的例子,就是ted ligety的非常土八路的新弯外手后拉。那么设想一位天生o型腿的racer,无论他的inclination多么邪乎,他的脚都是内扣的,立刃角度就是赶不上天生y型腿的,咋办?这好像除了在knee和ankle angulation上下功夫,没有别的选择。




权威不敢当,就是爱滑雪而已,木有其他意思。  发表于 2014-12-12 21:00
lemaster的书看了两遍,现在又忘的差不多了。有空再重读吧。  发表于 2014-12-12 20:27
lupo大侠说有,那自然是有的。这些事情,这个坛上混的,没谁比lupo大侠更权威。  发表于 2014-12-12 20:26
你在看ron lemaster的书,也提到了微调这点,而且有配图。  发表于 2014-12-12 19:54
没人说膝盖angulation是过时的,CSIA也提倡啊!只不过有顺序,膝盖是微调。在没有解决大问题之前,没人会要求膝盖angulation,受伤危险!  发表于 2014-12-12 19:53
Like.  发表于 2014-12-12 11:13
发表于 2014-12-12 11:57:30 | 只看该作者


我也想知啊  发表于 2014-12-12 16:08
看牙口挺象的, 叫啥名字, 有微信没?  发表于 2014-12-12 13:59
就是她吧?  发表于 2014-12-12 11:57
发表于 2014-12-12 13:40:24 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 checkmoteur 于 2014-12-12 13:42 编辑

闹完了再上点干货,不是C的,而是P的。名目略有差异。P是管这个叫做Leg rotation的。但文中有明确提出,这个动作最早就是一位法国人归纳提炼出来的,称之为braquage,如字翻成英文就是steering的意思——好玩的是到了法语加拿大,却又把英文steering如字翻译回去,成了conduire:

Leg rotation is the most important technique used today to turn the skis, and the preferred technique for most situations is twisting one or both leg in the hips. When instructors talk about "turning your feet," this is what they mean. This technique is used in skiing maneuvers at all levels, from gliding wedge turns to dynamic parallel turns.

Ski instructors and coaches commonly call this technique braquage, a French term introduced by Geroges Joubert that literally means "steering." If you turn both legs at he same time, or if there's weight on both your feet when you twist one leg inward, your upper body will remain motionless, and you can turn your skis without disturbing your balance.

If, on the other hand, you twist only your outside leg inward and lift your inside foot off the snow, your upper body reacts by turning a bit toward the outside. This sets your upper body into a count-red position, ready for hip angulation early in the turn(单脚滑drill甚至javelin练得其实就是这个——查注). This is a technique racers have used for decades. Rainer Schoenfelder executes such a movement in the fourth and fifth frames of figure 4.14 on page 65. Because his right ski is off the snow, the muscular effort that rotates his left leg inward also causes his upper body to turn slightly toward the outside of the turn.

Leg rotation works well for several reasons. Rotating the leg inward generally rolls the ski on its edge, too, combining the increase of the ski's steering angle with an increase in the edge and platform angles-often a desirable combination. Leg rotation is also powerful. With it a skier can produce large torques , and produce them through an entire turn, much longer than any other rotary technique. Leg rotation also allows you to manipulate your skis with your legs alone, leaving your upper body to balance against whatever forces are acting on you. It imparts no angular momentum to your body as a whole, and because it involves the movement of relatively little body mass, leg rotation does little to disturb your balance and stability.

Leg rotation is one of those key techniques of skiing that is, unfortunately, less than obvious to many self-taught skiers.(我也是下过牛棚,才发现这一点——查注) The intuitive movement for most beginners is to twist the upper body and hips in the direction they want their skis to turn-movements that usually have counterproductive side effects. Turning the leg in the hip to the degree that a good skier turns it isn't an essential movement in many sports, which might be why it doesn't come naturally for many beginning skiers(当我们说日韩的转上身的滑法更适合初学者,而不是北美的steering时,理由就是这个了。总之,转上身近乎本能,下身必须强练——查注).

A straight leg can't exert as much turning force on the ski as a bent one, especially when it's the outside leg. The interior rotators of the femur, which are used when the leg is extended, aren't nearly as strong in this regard as the adductors, which come into play when the leg is bent. As a result, this  technique is most powerful when performed form a flexed, athletic stance(extend外腿,蹬开?风老板或要再思考一下了。我并且很不理解其他人也一再讨论的extend外腿究竟怎么回事——查注).

配图两张,文中提到的figure 4.14:


还有Ted Ligety的一张,讲他转腿横搓,“scrub speed”,说的是stivoting吧:


查教授威武  发表于 2014-12-12 13:57
发表于 2014-12-12 13:56:12 | 只看该作者
checkmoteur 发表于 2014-12-12 13:40
闹完了再上点干货,不是C的,而是P的。名目略有差异。P是管这个叫做Leg rotation的。但文中有明确提出,这 ...

谢扫盲,原来BRAQUAGE 是这么来的!


我白丁一个  发表于 2014-12-12 18:07
我是半文盲。唉  发表于 2014-12-12 16:08
法语文盲, 听YOUTUBE 里念 bra-ka-日  发表于 2014-12-12 14:35
CSIA youtube里有, 念, BRA-卡-之......  发表于 2014-12-12 14:34
牛老板有学过法语没?这个词要念“不哈卡日”,不是“不拉溃之”,哈哈。  发表于 2014-12-12 13:58
 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-12 21:03:23 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 IntoTheWind 于 2014-12-12 21:05 编辑
bullpower 发表于 2014-12-12 13:56
谢扫盲,原来BRAQUAGE 是这么来的!


牛总说的对, 还是犁地爽,回来都没心思看这些了.
V大推荐的鞋也好穿, 犁地的时候特给力


风老板,您的脚长的好。  发表于 2014-12-12 22:14
膜拜大侠  发表于 2014-12-12 21:18
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-12-12 23:14:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 IntoTheWind 于 2014-12-12 23:15 编辑
checkmoteur 发表于 2014-12-12 13:40
闹完了再上点干货,不是C的,而是P的。名目略有差异。P是管这个叫做Leg rotation的。但文中有明确提出,这 ...

这个就是我要批判的. 紧急时候借用一下可以, 当成常态就会出问题.

这篇文字不知道谁写的, 很好的描述了这种方式的优点,  却没有道出严重的副作用, 也是为啥叫陷阱的原因.

C家这样做的大都是初学者, 想不到P家把这个当高级技巧推广, 大跌眼镜啊.


呵呵,误解了风侠的主题,跟着瞎起哄了半天。  发表于 2014-12-14 01:01
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