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楼主: StormRider
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发表于 2013-12-10 21:02:42 | 只看该作者





LOL ... 以後不擠兌瓜瓜了!  发表于 2013-12-10 21:57
亲,俺裤子上好几道呢  发表于 2013-12-10 21:23
好大一个雪球啊,拿不出来,只好等它化。这不裤脚现在还没干  发表于 2013-12-10 21:03
发表于 2013-12-10 22:46:07 | 只看该作者



要注意文雅,现在都说买了个表  发表于 2013-12-11 06:49
发表于 2013-12-10 22:49:35 | 只看该作者
另外在看Josh Forester的视频,意外发现angulation=发力的这个说法,在c那里,也是成立的。只不过,他们把这叫hip to grip……





不管怎们辩论都行, 但说脏话就不好!  发表于 2013-12-11 09:05
not your fault, mine。玩闹论坛有玩闹论坛的玩法,俄第一次玩,真的太多不适应。还是专心混俄的时政论坛去了  发表于 2013-12-10 23:42
我错了,大哥!  发表于 2013-12-10 23:14
晓得了。原来这就叫自夸... what a small-mindedness you guys have. fuck it  发表于 2013-12-10 23:06
没见过你这么自夸的!狠!  发表于 2013-12-10 22:53
soryy,josh foster,不是forester。  发表于 2013-12-10 22:50
发表于 2013-12-11 01:03:21 | 只看该作者
snowrider 发表于 2013-12-9 19:20
我一點都沒誇張 ... 在滑雪場上面一大堆 *熱心人士* 會熱心地主動地來 *教* 你該如何滑雪 ...
跟那個 Mar ...



http://www.kiwiski.net/hard-pack ... -on-how-to-ski-ice/

We haven’t received new snow in Mammoth for two weeks now and some people are getting twitchy. In that time the Mountain has been making snow and they opened Chair 10 so it is not all bad. The groomed runs are still great but it can be on the icy side. It is not quite true ice like you would find at Whakapapa in New Zealand or out East in the States, but when you get spoilt for powder, as we do in Mammoth, we like to call it ice. Most people baulk at the idea of skiing ice, they feel less control, it’s noisy and it hurts to fall on. However skiing ice and mastering it can be both fun and rewarding, here’s a few tips to help.

1. Widen your stance if you have a narrow one.
The first thing to do is look at your stance, having a slightly wider stance than usual helps to give you more support, it also lowers your centre of gravity slightly aiding balance too.
Exercise: Play around with your width of stance, one exercise to try are Cowboy Turns where you pretend to be riding a horse with your feet super wide apart. Try that for a run or two but remember it is an exercise so don’t ski like that all the time!

2. Balance on your outside ski
Make sure you are balanced on your outside ski. Feel like you are standing on the inside of that foot more strongly. This helps to get more pressure on that edge and hopefully gets it to bite into the snow to give you grip. Making sure your upper body is stable is key in this area, if you let it fall to the inside of the turn too much or twist to the inside then your skis are likely to slide out from under you.
Exercise: There are a million exercises to aid balancing on the outside ski. Sometimes just making sure your inside hand doesn’t drop down to the inside of the turn will help. Or next time your skiing on easier terrain try lifting up your inside ski whilst turning and see if you can balance solely on the outside ski.

3. Aim for round turns
Make round turns and use the shape to control speed, you can even direct the skis up the hill a little to help speed control, don’t get this confused with just traversing however which is a waste of time. You could think of slowing your movements down a bit so that you don’t ‘spin out’ or skid excessively. I like the analogy of driving a car on ice, sudden movements on the wheel can lead to loss of traction and control. The same applies to skiing on ice, quick movements can lead to a loss of grip (on ice it is easy for us to over steer our skis into a skid because of the smooth surface). You might ask then why racers often use aggressive movements on icy courses? well they have highly tuned equipment and bodies, whilst it is inspiring to see them ski, replicating what they do is beyond the average recreational skier otherwise we would all be world cup racers!
Exercise:Try to slow down your movements, counting can help with this. Visualize a round arch and try to stay on it.

4. Use sharp skis
Have your skis tuned and edges sharp, no amount of good technique is going to make your skis grip if they have blunt edges.

5. Put your skis on edge
Conversely even the sharpest skis are not going to grip if they are not edged into the snow. By this I mean the ski needs to be tipped onto its side allowing the ski to cut the snow. It is best to achieve this by feeling like you are rolling your ankles and knees into the hill. Try to keep your upper body still when you do this which will help with balancing on the outside ski.
Exercise: Try traversing (it is not a waste of time of it is a drill!) and roll your ankles and knees into the hill, you should feel your ski grip more and the ski will turn into the hill more too. Try this on both sides. Just make sure that when you are trying this exercise that you pick a quiet slope where you can be easily seen from above.

6. Keep terrain in your comfort zone
Take it easier on the terrain you ski. It is a good idea to ski terrain a level or two below what you usually would. For example, if Cornice, a black run at Mammoth, is the limit of your powers then don’t even bother going there on an icy day. On that note I wouldn’t recommend Cornice to anyone at the moment, last time I skied it it was pretty icy with rocks and other hazards waiting for the errant skier.

7. Be aware
Ski safe, by this I mean be aware of others around you, some of which might have less control in the icy conditions.

Skiing on ice is a great learning experience, it certainly points out any deficiencies in your technique out to you. But if you persevere it can teach you a lot of things about skiing, it is just another condition to master in order to become an accomplished skier.
发表于 2013-12-11 09:11:28 | 只看该作者
checkmoteur 发表于 2013-12-10 23:49
另外在看Josh Forester的视频,意外发现angulation=发力的这个说法,在c那里,也是成立的。只不过,他们把 ...

去年在大白闹了个笑话, 现在想起来都尴尬的不得了。

某天早上出门去滑雪, 远远看见Nate和四月等人在和一个穿着大白教练制服的人说话, 八卦的我赶紧冲过去, 哇, 原来是他, 我脱口而出“Josh Forester", 他笑着和我说hi, 等他走后, 四月说“妈妈, 是Foster 不是Forester”, 当时我恨不得找个地缝钻进去


Forrest Gump, 这姓算是有了  发表于 2013-12-11 18:27
瓜你说我是阿甘?  发表于 2013-12-11 13:53
阿甘  发表于 2013-12-11 12:33
发表于 2013-12-11 11:00:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 snowrider 于 2013-12-11 11:02 编辑
norman 发表于 2013-12-11 01:03


弱慢兄 - 你所引用的那一篇文章 ... 不管作者的 credential 是什麼 ... 我認為他所寫的只是一般性的雪道!  我認為他沒有碰過我們東部的冰面雪道 ... 因為裡面有些部分對於真正的冰面狀況該如何滑 - 我不認同!

我就這麼說好了 ... 他基本上沒有講到真正的要點 ... 可能作者他本身還沒到那水平 (或者他沒碰過真正的冰面)
发表于 2013-12-11 20:29:31 | 只看该作者
snowrider 发表于 2013-12-11 11:00
弱慢兄 - 你所引用的那一篇文章 ... 不管作者的 credential 是什麼 ... 我認為他所寫的只是一般性的雪道! ...











1. 研究競技者的滑冰面技術,有助加強學會滑冰面技巧:那是要練到像競技那麼強才行,還是不用?要是不用,為何競技者要做大量的平衡練習練得那麼強去競技?這是一般人能逹到的程度嗎?

2. 大多數的人技術沒那麼高,更多的是初中級滑雪者,那這作者寫的文章就很實用了。



发表于 2013-12-11 20:39:56 | 只看该作者
norman 发表于 2013-12-11 20:29


    • 要的,
    • 不知道, 可能是吃饱了撑的,
    • 不可能达到, 我们一般都是饿着的

  • 没找到问号在那里
发表于 2013-12-11 21:14:07 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 norman 于 2013-12-11 21:15 编辑
KuoiGuaBoarder 发表于 2013-12-11 20:39

  • 要的,

  • 那我來個為snowrider兄拋磚引玉寫點東西好了,不認同就當我胡扯了。


    1. 鋼邊要磨利,至少不能有毛邊,最佳就是手指在上面一抺都能像利刀一樣割出個傷口。

    2. 腰身半徑要夠小,兩個點鋼邊靠近腳掌一點總是有利的。

    3. 站姿要寛,就算沒馬步,至少要比肩寛,以防外腳不小心打滑時,還有一隻內腳在身體下獨溜。

    4. 超高C立刃,意思是新彎的立刃時機越早越好,不要隨便轉動腳,要直接立刃。

    5. 膽子。







    发表于 2013-12-11 21:16:41 | 只看该作者
    norman 发表于 2013-12-11 21:14


    大侠高见, 我要回去再琢磨一下第三点看能不能理解明白
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