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楼主: quoiguaski
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-30 22:47:33 | 只看该作者

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-30 22:53:24 | 只看该作者


Bingster 发表于 2012-9-30 22:16

发表于 2012-10-1 14:54:21 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-1 15:31:50 | 只看该作者
闹妈 发表于 2012-10-1 14:54

这个怎么说好呢,我和ld商量过这事, 基本方针如下:

要么不学, 要学就没有半途而废那一说, 不把8级干掉, 不许掉链子。

我觉得从一些侧面爱美丽学到了一些东西, 现在她每天大概需要30分钟+的时间来练琴。

1, 如果集中精力的话, 20分钟搞定, 否则两个小时也不是没有[最近看来, 超过30分钟的基本没有, 她慢慢懂得集中精力的重要性]

2, 有一天爱美丽对我说, 原来这个世界上没有难事哦, 很简单的闹

3, 学会一些讨价还价的技巧, 苦闹对我完全无效。但是她如果对我展现一些小计策, 我会很乐意让她得逞。

接娃去了, 回头说 TBC
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-1 16:25:43 | 只看该作者



发表于 2012-10-1 16:45:44 | 只看该作者
Very detailed report.  Thanks QQS
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-1 19:54:04 | 只看该作者
snowspring 发表于 2012-10-1 16:45
Very detailed report.  Thanks QQS

前辈请多留意此帖, 我还有很多乐理知识要请教.

第一个问题来了, 现在我私下让爱美丽玩一些邪乎的东西, 比如左手C major, 右手A minor什么的, (arpeggio她玩不来), 请问这样练习好吗? 是不是太激进了, 她似乎挺喜欢这样乱玩得. 我的乐理太差, 正恶补呢, 怕给她带歪喽.


有那么可怕? 我还不知天高地厚, 以为就是找规律玩呢。  发表于 2012-10-2 13:48
你胆子真大,敢碰乐理。孩子几个钢琴老师都不愿碰, 让找专业的老师。  发表于 2012-10-2 13:41
钢琴一开始就要请名老师,基本功要打好.否则,以后的名曲,难曲很难弹下来.  发表于 2012-10-2 07:04
钢琴是个功夫活,要做好长期抗战的准备.  发表于 2012-10-2 07:01
问题留给老师.你嫌慢,可以让老师加快进度.  发表于 2012-10-2 07:00
 楼主| 发表于 2012-10-2 07:52:04 | 只看该作者
xinxinqi  钢琴一开始就要请名老师,基本功要打好.否则,以后的名曲,难曲很难弹下来.  发表于 半小时前

xinxinqi  钢琴是个功夫活,要做好长期抗战的准备.  发表于 半小时前

xinxinqi  问题留给老师.你嫌慢,可以让老师加快进度.  发表于 半小时前

谢谢星星解答, 我到不是嫌慢, 只是为了给她多一点fun
发表于 2012-10-2 22:14:21 | 只看该作者
quoiguaski 发表于 2012-10-1 20:54
前辈请多留意此帖, 我还有很多乐理知识要请教.

I did not learn piano starting from theory.  I think it is more important that the child enjoy the music - use more of the right brain to feel the music, to enjoy the melody, to become "musical" instead of the left brain analysing the theory of music.   Music hits the emotional body instead of the mental body.   Later on when she has done enough music through playing, listening, going to concert, and then introduce theory it would be more of nature's course.  However this is only from my experience.   When you play enough piano it becomes part of you - all muscle memory.  In fact thinking about the notes gets me wrong.  You just let the fingers flow - no thinking required.   

I remember I was totally not interested at theory of music when I was young.  Yet I can play by ear and do harmony to a melody just from playing.   I suppose if you want to become a composer then you may need to go into the theory, or if you want to teach or take exams - then you must learn theory to become a pro.   But if you aim is to just enjoy the beautiful music just play and play and play.

It is great that you are so involved with your daughter's study of the piano.   However let her decide where she wants to go and ride along her side and enjoy the ride.  When I was young I played up to three hours a night after homework cause I enjoy it.  But I never become a professional.  Yet many of the tunes I played as a kid i can still play by ear.  Muscle memory lasts a long time.  It was 28 years I did not have a piano in between my teenage years until I bought a piano.  I went to the shop and sit down in front of a piano and started to play and the music just came through like that.  I was even surprised myself.  I bought that piano and that was it.  

I am biased becuase I like playing the piano.  I think it is really a good thing to let the child have an opportunity to learn it when they are young.   The nerves in the fingers can develope, the brain gets to make many connections and it trains the kid to sit still for a long time - hard to do these days.   XXQ's son is playing really well - I do not know how old he is - Charles but  I love to hear him play un sospiro - a piece I find difficult because of the octaves due to my short fingers.   I hope you kid "EMILY" will enjoy the playing as much as I do - although I am not a professional player and only play sporadically after I grew up.  Happy fathering.               
发表于 2012-10-2 22:37:05 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 JamesBond 于 2012-10-3 00:08 编辑
quoiguaski 发表于 2012-9-30 22:34
这才是D大调的scale吧, 楼上是什么呢?


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