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楼主: smellfish
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发表于 2012-2-14 23:47:45 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-15 10:11:21 | 只看该作者


Once upon a time, angry fender-bender victims who wanted to allege the other guy was an idiot or a crook were limited to an audience of family and friends.

But as two GTA motorists are finding out, all it takes in 2012 to transform a minor car accident into a reputation-threatening debacle is a dashboard camera, YouTube and the so-called wisdom of crowds.

Last Thursday, Ajax resident Raguruban Yogarajah and Mississauga student Herman Sham were involved in a fender-bender on the 401. Neither dispute that while they were stopped in cramped rush-hour traffic, Yogarajah’s black Honda Acura rolled backwards and bumped Sham’s Subaru.

Sham believes Yogarajah was trying to scam him, and 130,000 YouTube viewers largely agree.

But Yogarajah says it was a genuine mistake. He’s worried for his family’s safety since venomous — and sometimes racist — commenters started posting his personal information online. “I work two jobs. I don’t need to go scamming for $500 to live my life,” says Yogarajah.

See the video below:

Sham, 24, a photography student, captured Thursday’s fender-bender on a $40 dashboard camera.

The next day, he uploaded the footage to YouTube with the title “The reason why you need a dash camera (scam foiled).” In the video, he added word bubbles alleging Yogarajah demanded $500 on the spot to pay for the damage.

“Please be aware of these fake accident(s),” Sham wrote online.

Viewers — more than 125,000 in the last 36 hours — have added a running commentary of vitriol, threats and racism.

One called Yogarajah a “scumbag” and posted his home address in Ajax. “Don’t underestimate technology and the power of the internet,” the commenter wrote.

Yogarajah is worried and scared.

He says the first thing he told Sham was, “Did you bump into me or did I bump into you?” His car is a manual, and he says it probably rolled backward when he distractedly took his foot off the brake.

The video doesn’t seem to show Yogarajah’s reverse lights come on. He points to this as proof he didn’t reverse, while YouTube commenters use it as proof he disconnected them and his tail lights in advance. In the sunlight’s glare, it’s impossible to tell if either was working.

Yogarajah doesn’t deny he is at fault for the collision. But he got frustrated at the scene because, he says, Sham insisted Yogarajah had reversed on purpose. So Yogarajah called police himself (a move Sham admits was “weird”).

More: Was this driver a victim of insurance fraud?

More: Icy hill leads to winter carmageddon in Utah

Yogarajah, 26, works at a bank during the week and as a telecommunications sales rep on the weekends, helping support his extended family. He says he saved up for three years to buy his car and wouldn’t think of damaging it for $500.

He does, in fact, have a lengthy rap sheet of Highway Traffic Act offences — 26 in four years — but most are for licence plate issues and speeding, and he has no criminal history. He believes police stop him more frequently than others because they are suspicious of a young man of colour driving a nice car.

The YouTube video clearly shows Yogarajah’s licence plate. Since it was posted, web denizens have posted not only his address but his sister’s, where she lives with her three children.

He says he’s spoken to the Toronto police and the RCMP on six occasions about the online threats, but all have said they have no jurisdiction over YouTube and some were dismissive of his safety concerns.

Sham says he wasn’t trying to ruin Yogarajah’s reputation. He only wanted other drivers to be aware that dashboard cameras can be useful for insurance purposes.

He says he believes now that Yogarajah may have accidentally put the car in neutral, and not intentionally reversed, though he still maintains Yogarajah asked for money. “I really don’t want to screw him, or anything.”

Sham’s car damage is minor.

“It would have been solved if he just gave me a chance to talk to him,” says Yogarajah.

“It’s a minor scratch. All this trouble for no reason.”
发表于 2012-2-15 10:24:22 | 只看该作者
我看他至少倒溜了两米以上,that is impossible.  
发表于 2012-2-15 11:00:28 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 iSki 于 2012-2-15 11:00 编辑

回复 12 # smellfish 的帖子

"He believes police stop him more frequently than others because they are suspicious of a young man of colour driving a nice car"
He is so funny.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-15 14:31:30 | 只看该作者
同学们, 如果你也和我对这个事件一样担心, 我们自己,我们家人,我们朋友在高速上会这样被人恶意逼迫停止的话,如果你有孩子和我家一样坐在后排,增加很多没有必要的被追尾的事故的话, 这件事情就不是500元的事情, 这可能导致真正的事故发生。我会把我的担心通过邮件传达给OPP主管高速公路安全的负责人,也希望你能抽点时间表达你的意见。如果你有更好的想法,请告诉我,让我们一起建立更安全更干净的社会。

Deputy Commissioner
Larry G. Beechey
Ontario Provincial Police
777 Memorial Avenue
Orillia, ON L3V 7V3 Canada
705/329-7506 FAX 705/329-6317
e-mail:  larry.beechey@ontario.ca  
发表于 2012-2-15 14:42:09 | 只看该作者

这事儿真的太可拍了。 鱼啊, 谢谢你让大家知道这件事。


嗯, 我也想听听snowspring的意见。  发表于 2012-2-15 20:33
好啊,我英文不好,谁写一下。 大家来谈谈意见, 另外,Snowspring 我很想听听你的意见:-)  发表于 2012-2-15 14:49
发表于 2012-2-15 15:10:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-2-15 15:22:56 | 只看该作者
luvski 发表于 2012-2-15 14:42

这事儿真的太可拍了。 鱼啊, 谢谢你让大家知道这件事。

I 2nd the motion. April could be the writer of this document.


小孩子不会写这些的。  发表于 2012-2-15 20:34
发表于 2012-2-15 16:24:39 | 只看该作者
I'm in                                 
发表于 2012-2-15 16:48:30 | 只看该作者
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