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楼主: bullpower
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发表于 2011-2-6 14:24:31 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 nightsh 于 2011-2-6 14:27 编辑

以前一直觉得wide stance很难看,直到看了这个video的后半段(2分45秒之后)才发现原来wide stance也可以这么优美!http://www.pmts.org/pmtsforum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3200

发表于 2011-2-6 14:28:02 | 只看该作者
回复 bullpower 的帖子

That is true but you've got to tip the front of the light foot.  If your stance is back you cannot do that.  Hop turn will correct you stance as well.   
发表于 2011-2-6 14:29:11 | 只看该作者
回复 nightsh 的帖子

True.  Even HH has wider stance now if you watch his more recent videos.


tipping是不是指给雪板板头施加压力?还是倾斜的意思?谢谢,英文不灵光!  发表于 2011-2-6 15:00
is this just a drill or demo, or is it a new way of skiing? (I've ordered this new performance free skiing DVD and is still waiting for it to arrive.)  发表于 2011-2-6 14:33
发表于 2011-2-6 15:07:58 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 snowspring 于 2011-2-6 15:11 编辑

回复 snowspring 的帖子

To nightsh  I do not exactly know what you mean.  Perhaps I can say this and see if it answers your questions. When you do a drill you do it with a purpose - like practice certain techniques.  When you ski normally you put all the skills you have learned together - these skills you  have developed using the drills.  A good skier should be able to vary the stance depending on the circumstances - watch the skiing racing on TV.  Racers never ski with a narrow stance when they are going fast like downhill super G etc.  but they will adopt a much narrow stance when doing a flush in slalom on a flatter surface.  Same thing for you even you are doing recreational skiing, you have to adjust as the conditions conflont you and pull your arsenals out to deal with them.  Beginners only know one way to deal with going downhill but as you progress you gradually learn more skills and master them better.  Most people have trouble with stance and balance when you start.   Stance determines where you CG is and your legs can be narrow and wide as appropriate.  You should practice both during drills so that you can ski both ways.  We do improve gradually as you ski more as the muscles and coordination get developed.  I think core strength is most important to hold you upper body on top of the skis even though you can be thrown backwards by bumps on your feet.  I have not seen HH's latest videio you mentioned so I do not know what it is like.  

Sounds like you are very interested in improvement.  That is excellent and we all have things to improve.
发表于 2011-2-6 15:08:17 | 只看该作者
先回答你第一个问题。滑的时候双板的距离其实并不是一成不变的,不同的地形需要的两板的距离是不同的,比如说mogul还有powder,一般都要求两个板子的距离比较近,但如果是GS turn的话,一般都会开一点。就这个问题我也向蓝山一个CSIA LEVEL 4的教练请教过,他也是这样告诉我的,而且他还说即使是在同一个地形,不同的人可能板子之间的间距也不是完全一样的。不可否认练习怎样用narrow stance滑以应对一些复杂的地形是挺重要的,但这并不意味在任何地形下都要刻意去把腿并得拢拢的。

至于你说的A frame,这可能是由于你的inside leg没有同时tipping 造成的,注意转弯时,"roll your inside knees at the same time", 也就是有意识地把你的free leg的膝盖往里压一点,让你的非承重的那只ski立起来一个edge,和outside ski一样角度的edge,但注意upper body 的couter react的姿势,别失去平衡了。
发表于 2011-2-6 15:10:12 | 只看该作者
回复 snowspring 的帖子

To Lupo  I think when HH say tipping he means point and lower that tip to the snow.  Then he also says put the edge on the small toe side down on the snow to guide the stance foot to turn/i


书里是这么说的:tipping是指脚及脚踝用力,对靴子侧面施压,使得靴子倒向一边  发表于 2011-2-6 15:32
谢谢!  发表于 2011-2-6 15:14
发表于 2011-2-6 15:31:04 | 只看该作者
回复 snowspring 的帖子

Thanks for your very informative reply, and sorry to be unclear in my question. I was asking since in the above video I posted,  I suspect HH deliberately used a wide stance only to exaggerate certain movements such that they become more apparent to viewers. From what I read, both HH and Lito (breakthrough on skis) are strongly against a wide stance, and they argue that a racer has his/her feet wide apart, but that's not a wide stance since their legs are still kept close to each other - the feet are 'vertically separated' due to the high angle, instead of 'horizontally separated'. Anyway, I guess maybe it's just a matter of different ways of saying the same thing. After reading more and more about skiing, I felt skiing is kind of like martial art: It's not hard to know how to do it, but it's hard to actually do it. Just like 海登法师's 一指禅, it's that simple, but no one can actually do it (including himself).
发表于 2011-2-6 17:18:50 | 只看该作者
回复 nightsh 的帖子



哈哈,还是您老大姿势好,光看头部颈部就知道了。俺这小菜鸟还是继续潜水吧  发表于 2011-2-6 17:23
发表于 2011-2-6 22:27:58 | 只看该作者
回复 nightsh 的帖子

Yeah I think I know which video you saw when HH has a very exaggerated wide stance - to learn flexibility of the insdie leg, right?  That is a drill that he used often.    Yeah the main thing is to have // skis ( edged at the same angle)    You could not have edged them much if your two legs are very close to each other.  
 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-6 22:58:08 | 只看该作者
snowspring 发表于 2011-2-6 14:28
回复 bullpower 的帖子

That is true but you've got to tip the front of the light foot.  If your stan ...

yes, that was how the coach taught me and my colleague.
It's an effient way to tell if one is sitting back or not.

By doing this drill, I found out that
I tend to sit back a bit when entering a turn
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