常hold的住 发表于 2015-3-26 17:46:15

本帖最后由 常hold的住 于 2015-3-27 04:26 编辑



对应双板滑雪上,外板承重是理所当然的, 外板的对角是内胯。

bullpower 发表于 2015-3-26 18:09:59

常hold的住 发表于 2015-3-26 17:46

这只是二维静态的。.. 比较适合PARK AND RIDE

滑雪者有几个平面的平衡: fore-after, lateral, vertical, rotational



bullpower 发表于 2015-3-26 18:35:04

bullpower 发表于 2015-3-26 18:09
这只是二维静态的。.. 比较适合PARK AND RIDE


静态的二维的看, A腿最BALANCE, 最STRONG


常hold的住 发表于 2015-3-26 22:04:06

PSIA 大佬 Bob说
rotary movements, like most movements, can be either active or passive, with a whole spectrum in between. "Active," as I use the term here, means that it's a result of your muscular effort--you twist your skis with your feet and legs. "Passive" means something ELSE does the work, and you just let it happen--carving causes your skis to turn, and they turn your feet and legs. The movements themselves can be identical. In good skiing, ACTIVE rotary movements supplement the skis' built-in ability to turn by themselves, as needed.

As we learn to carve better, our steering movements can become less and less active, as the skis do more and more of the work. But all turns, no matter how dynamic, START with nearly flat skis and little pressure (much of the pressure on skis in carved turns comes from resisting centrifugal force. Since there is no centrifugal force at the moment of transition, there will be little pressure as well.) So, unless we just want to make a completely passive "patience turn," we usually need to steer the skis actively into the new turn at first. As the edge angle and pressure increase, the skis start carving more effectively, and muscular steering effort can decrease.

In many turns, that active steering at initiation applies primarily to the inside ski--"right tip right to go right." This movement not only steers the tip of the right ski to the right, it also involves tipping of the ski toward its outside ("little toe") edge, along with a movement of the whole body (CM) into the turn. These movements contribute to the outside (uphill) ski rolling to its INSIDE ("big toe") edge, enabling it to start carving.

So we can clearly steer one foot actively and let the other steer passively at the same time. Whenever you carve a turn 100% balanced on one foot, this is exactly what must happen. The outside ski carves and turns itself. But the only thing that turns the inside ski is ... YOU! Only two-footed carves can take place with no active steering of either foot.

常hold的住 发表于 2015-3-26 22:07:19

你再看你的OSD, 完全是外脚在主动转。看看你的外膝领先内膝多少角度。

bullpower 发表于 2015-3-26 22:52:20

常hold的住 发表于 2015-3-26 22:07
你再看你的OSD, 完全是外脚在主动转。看看你的外膝领先内膝多少角度。

是啊, 得去练这个, 两板得一起转。 散功贴里也有啊, BP就要求了。


bullpower 发表于 2015-3-26 22:57:12

人说的是菱形,你拿梯形说啥事,平面几何都没学好,还扯啥三维动态发表于 3 小时前

啊, 这还是我认识的猫猫吗?
我本当你是个人才, 没想到你也成了复读机。。。。当时鸡阿姨也考糊了吧。
人家给你教你认公鸡, 回头再发你一只母鸡,你就给认成鸽子了不成?

cat 发表于 2015-3-27 07:57:38


bullpower 发表于 2015-3-27 10:21:43

cat 发表于 2015-3-27 07:57
举一反三,触类旁通,所以八字还没练对就去AP大成了啊,你说你要再踏实点,不也进藤校去滑大山了 ...

得亏没进藤校. 进去就跟让我滑MOGUL进PARK 一样, 太受刺激了.....

checkmoteur 发表于 2015-3-28 16:05:33

常hold的住 发表于 2015-3-26 22:04
PSIA 大佬 Bob说
rotary movements, like most movements, can be either active or passive, with a whol ...


难为你找来这么有价值的资料,你却瞎用一气,真是可叹。这里明明写着有两种rotary movement,一种active一种passive,说白了就是一个搓,一个卡而已。牛爷那个,正是active rotary movement,搓的滑法。你标红拿来批评牛爷的呢,却是passive rotary movement,卡的滑法。



So we can clearly steer one foot actively and let the other steer passively at the same time. Whenever you carve a turn 100% balanced on one foot, this is exactly what must happen. The outside ski carves and turns itself. But the only thing that turns the inside ski is ... YOU!

Sounds soooooo familiar,dose it not?没错,这其实就是PMTS的内脚tipping!老怪跳着高反对外腿steering,就是让你内腿转,外腿跟!

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