little2sheep 发表于 2013-8-21 10:38:30


阿思达克通讯社8月21日讯 英国药品及保健品管理署(MHRA)周一在官网上发布了一则中药警告,称这些中药含有巨量的有害毒素,包括铅、水银以及砷,其中一款产品厂商是国内的同仁堂(600085.SH)。





bullpower 发表于 2013-8-21 10:40:24

use poison to attack poison is the essence of traditional chinese medicine.

little2sheep 发表于 2013-8-21 10:43:26


  搜狐财经讯 英国药品及保健品管理署(MHRA)周一在官网上发布了一则中药警告,称这些中药含有巨量的有害毒素,包括铅、水银以及砷,此次被警告的产品有北京同仁堂的牛黄解毒片。




little2sheep 发表于 2013-8-21 10:49:55

bullpower 发表于 2013-8-21 11:40 static/image/common/back.gif
use poison to attack poison is the essence of traditional chinese medicine.


bullpower 发表于 2013-8-21 11:11:24

little2sheep 发表于 2013-8-21 10:49 static/image/common/back.gif
从生物学的观点来看,水银可与体内器官蛋白结合,破坏或降低体内器官的功能, ...

i'm just saying a fact.

Modern science cannot explain anything/everything in the universe.

sonicwithtails 发表于 2013-8-21 11:24:38

本帖最后由 sonicwithtails 于 2013-8-21 12:35 编辑

I believe one does not even need modern science to understand 以毒攻毒 is BS. We have something else that is called common sense.

Now just for the fun of it, let's suppose 以毒攻毒 is not BS. Then i argue Chinese people already have the purest bodies in the world and therefore do not need any extra medicine. You see, they already breathe in poisonous air and eat poisonous foods everyday -- that's plenty of free treatment. Why pay more?

bullpower 发表于 2013-8-21 12:59:45

sonicwithtails 发表于 2013-8-21 11:24 static/image/common/back.gif
I believe one does not even need modern science to understand 以毒攻毒 is BS. We have something else ...

such a narrow minded statement.

nobody would ask you to take poisonous matters blindly, definitely not Chinese traditional medicine.
Just like you don't take western medicine blindly, as simple as that.

The overdose of HG Ar(or AS??) might be a result of human errors or flaws in manufacturing.

In fact vaccination is a perfect example of yi du gong du.

sonicwithtails 发表于 2013-8-21 13:17:36

本帖最后由 sonicwithtails 于 2013-8-21 14:51 编辑

bullpower 发表于 2013-8-21 13:59 static/image/common/back.gif
such a narrow minded statement.

nobody would ask you to take poisonous matters blindly, definitel ...

If I do not have flu but I take a flu vaccination, does this vaccination poison me? if vaccine alone does not poison me, then why do I define it as poison?

I am aware there is an ongoing debate on vaccines and some people claim they are poisonous. But some others claim they are not...I believe you belong to the former group.

I define poison as common sense poison, as something that harms you when you take it alone.

I guess my definition is just wrong.

BTW before I traveled to Africa, doctors recommended that I took at least 7 extra vaccines. in your definition, they just asked me to get 7 shots of poisons.

bullpower 发表于 2013-8-21 13:28:41

本帖最后由 bullpower 于 2013-8-21 13:30 编辑

sonicwithtails 发表于 2013-8-21 13:17 static/image/common/back.gif
If I do not have flu but I take a flu vaccination, does this vaccination poison me? if vaccine alo ...

how do you know? Don't u remember you need to answer a long list of questions before flu vaccination?

It's all up to the doze/volumn you take and individual human body, right?

Human body is not 0 tolerant/100% vulnerable. It can flush things out.

sonicwithtails 发表于 2013-8-21 13:38:37

bullpower 发表于 2013-8-21 14:28 static/image/common/back.gif
how do you know? Don't u remember you need to answer a long list of questions before flu vaccinati ...

I think this argument has sound logic and covers something I never cared to think about before. Thanks. Good education for me.
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查看完整版本: 吃中药要小心了-同仁堂牛黄解毒片含有巨量有害毒素