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Interski 2011 Technical Comparison Free Run

发表于 2011-4-19 11:49:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bu11power 于 2011-4-19 11:50 编辑

那个加拿大的, 4分20秒-23秒中间摔了吗。。。。这个滑雪和足球一样了,真摔,假摔搞不清楚。


美国的有,  发表于 2011-4-19 11:52
发表于 2011-4-19 21:05:57 | 显示全部楼层
Bingster 发表于 2011-4-19 17:56
Did any Canadian athlete say he/she got trained through CSIA?

都是CSIA LEVEL 4里的精英。

There we were, two Level 2s, at a breakfast meeting on Monday, January 10, 2011. This was Day 1 of the Mont Saint Anne (MSA) Interski Training Camp for the ten Level 4s who were selected to represent Canada next week at the Interski Congress in St-Anton, Austria from January 15?22, 2011. These ski-teaching international conventions are held every four years; the previous Congress in 2007 was held in Korea.
Our first impressions from that morning: the coaches, John Gillies and Warren Jobbitt, and all 10 team members were very friendly and welcoming; both to us and to each other. We also observed that there were lots of questions and concerns from the team members. We soon realized that these top-ranked Level 4s had the same type of performance anxieties as lesser ski instructors feel when preparing for their Level 2, 3 and 4 courses and exams! Anxieties can and do happen at the top!  These Level 4s really are human!  (Go figure!)  Could they really do everything that was expected of them?  They even had a volunteer PhD psychologist as part of their coaching team, Stephen Hotz, whose primary role seemed to revolve around helping the team and their coaches to anticipate and effectively deal with their performance anxieties.
So what happened on that first morning?  John Gillies, the CSIA (Eastern Program Manager) and head coach of the Interski Demo team, started off the introductions and asked each team member to describe their feelings going into the training.  John then outlined the primary goal for the training week: this team of leaders in the ski industry needed to figure out how to work together to effectively demonstrate the CSIA’s ski teaching methodology.  They needed to become a cohesive team.
John then asked the team to pick a team leader by the end of Day 1 who could be the “voice of the team”.  One team member suggested that the coaches probably had a better idea of who on the team had the leadership qualities they were looking for, but the coaches wanted the team captain to be selected by the team.  So, on Monday evening, John asked each team member to write down their recommendation and based on these votes, Eric Rousseau was chosen as the 2011 Interski team captain.
John then reviewed the agenda for the 4-day training camp, as well as the schedule for St-Anton.  For the training camp, each morning would start with a meeting to plan out the day, followed by some time on the slopes.  There would be afternoon sessions to debrief and work on the presentation materials for St-Anton, and there would be an evening of night skiing, so the team could practice their synchro-skiing at night – in preparation for what it would be like in St-Anton.  Andre Parisien then described the logistics in St-Anton for the Canadian Interski team and the 74-person Canadian delegation. Finally, each team member was given their 2011 Canadian Interski uniform, complete with matching track suits, helmets, goggles, ski poles and gloves. They were all as happy as kids on Christmas morning.
After a quick lunch, that’s when the fun began.  These Level 4s got to be themselves; they got to do what they love to do… to ski and have fun together and to come together as a team. It was an amazing “blue-bird” day at MSA with bright sunshine and shade temperatures of about -2C. John and Warren led the team on a few warm-up runs on intermediate terrain on the south side of MSA, but the temperatures were quite warm in the bright sunshine and these pros quickly overheated.
Training then shifted to MSA’s north side on a run under the main chair lift and the conditions there were quite different.  The north side of MSA is in the shade and there was a brisk wind coming from the north that made it feel about -15C. The team was able to crank up their speed on the harder, colder snow.  From my perspective, these conditions were icy, but my edging ability is significantly less that these level 4’s!
That’s when the excitement began and their performance became spectacular. They quickly excelled in their roles as the technically-proficient ‘hot dogs’ that they really are. They immediately attracted an audience of chair-lift riders and skiers who applauded each spontaneous demo run.
Day 2 began with a short classroom briefing session, and some early morning stretches, followed by skiing on La Crete, a black diamond closed run on the south side. It was another blue bird day at MSA and La Crete had a steep, groomed pitch that was almost entirely shaded. It was a perfect place for practicing and recording the demo runs. The team performance really gelled on Day 2, and the coaches were very happy. They felt that this 2011 team was already performing better on day 2 of practice that the Korea team did by the conclusion of the 2007 Interski Congress!  When we asked what was different – they explained that they had been training for this for several years, so this was the culmination of 4 years of training, not just a few days!  As for us, we were thrilled to watch these amazing skiers perform their fast-paced short radius turns together, synchronized and in close proximity to one another.  It really was a sight to see.  Watching one skier perform perfectly rounded short-radius turns with lots of lateral movement is thrilling, but to watch a group of them doing it together takes it to a whole new level of thrills and exhilaration!  And that was just day 2!

To read up on Day 3 & 4 of the Interski Team Training, before their departure for Austria, consult the May edition of skipromag.com.


希望2015看到中国队。  发表于 2011-4-19 21:29
读了这篇文章,我看我们同雪网还是不要组队了吧 :)  发表于 2011-4-19 21:21
发表于 2011-4-19 21:07:17 | 显示全部楼层
arooga 发表于 2011-4-19 18:09
我们被问倒了 问倒了啊!!! 情何以堪!!!何以堪堪堪!!!!



曾今的你!俺msn个人消息栏目里面仗剑走天涯,五个字跟了我至少3年没换!现在刻在我心里!  发表于 2011-4-19 21:42
发表于 2011-4-19 21:40:56 | 显示全部楼层
Bingster  读了这篇文章,我看我们同雪网还是不要组队了吧 :)  发表于 12 分钟前

老大们预言,土豆小P四月。。等这帮小孩子或小小孩子里能出LEVEL 3.
其他人等, 20-30岁才开始学滑雪滴,能到LEVEL 2 就哦弥陀佛,上帝保佑了。



我倒是没有你那么悲观。如果真的肯花时间,不怕从头学,很多人是能考 Level 4 的。不过没什么必要。  发表于 2011-4-19 22:28
发表于 2011-4-19 21:44:38 | 显示全部楼层
lupo  曾今的你!俺msn个人消息栏目里面仗剑走天涯,五个字跟了我至少3年没换!现在刻在我心里!  发表于 55 秒前



还是仗剑走天涯啊,雪仗就是无刃剑!蓝莲花也不错!  发表于 2011-4-19 21:48
发表于 2011-4-19 21:45:45 | 显示全部楼层
arooga 发表于 2011-4-19 21:44
我不懂教导!!!不懂教导!!!不懂!不懂!!!  我回家种田  种田!!! 养鸭养猪!!!养牛遛鸟!!! ...

发表于 2011-4-19 21:47:57 | 显示全部楼层
arooga 发表于 2011-4-19 21:47
你想的美  想的美  想的美!!!美!!!美!!!!

你家卡拉OK机坏了咋地, 回音这么大。。。。。。
发表于 2011-4-19 22:04:25 | 显示全部楼层
arooga 发表于 2011-4-19 21:57
是我键盘坏了 坏了!!!

发表于 2011-4-19 22:58:30 | 显示全部楼层
Bingster  我倒是没有你那么悲观。如果真的肯花时间,不怕从头学,很多人是能考 Level 4 的。不过没什么必要。  发表于 24 分钟前

看来我又被我前师傅忽悠了,他说全加拿大一年也出不了几个LEVEL 4。
他说有个10-15年的雪龄才能考过LEVEL3, 而且必须是PRIME AGE的 (3张以前的)。

发表于 2011-4-19 23:33:11 | 显示全部楼层
arooga 发表于 2011-4-19 23:30
还是3  正在向4努力  蛮年轻一小伙 感觉不到30

我咋记得你说是个50岁的老爷子,要去TREMBLANT考LEVEL IV呢。
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