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发表于 2018-8-14 08:15:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 太極滑雪 于 2018-8-14 12:31 编辑

為什麼我們中國人稱知識為“學問” ?古人的經驗談—要求知識就要學,要學就要問,而自以為會的人反之,不問,不學,沒有新的知識,所以也不長,

“what was the most common response to my question "What is runner's high?" , "I've been running for 25 years or so, and don't know for sure what runner's high is. On almost every run, and certainly the long ones, there are periods of contentment or reflection when one is on automatic pilot and the terrain goes past unnoticed. Runner's High? I don't know."”


They have no questions, so they won’t find the answers, even give them the answers, they wouldn’t know, as they don’t have “new knowledge,” they may say something evasive to joke about it, but the facts show, they just simply “don’t know” what runner’ high is.

Just running on “automatic pilot and the terrain goes past unnoticed” doesn’t make it “runner’s high,” as we do that often in walking.
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